We all know that a strong core is the secret to a healthy, happy, stronger back. What most don’t know is how to accomplish that without hurting or making their back pain worse. Today we’ll uncover the top 6 core exercises for a stronger back and explain how they help.
The Main Job of the Core
First thing to understand is that the torso protects the spine from all angles, in 360 degrees. There is more to the core than just the sexy six-pack we all aspire to. It also includes your sides and back. The abs help protect the back from overarching, the sides from over twisting or lateral bending, the back from over-flexing/rounding.
The best place to start is to work the core in it’s primary function-to stabilize and protect the spine. This is where most people get into trouble-they start crunching and crunching and crunching because that’s the best way to reveal those 6-packs! WRONG. If you’ve got a herniated disc or other back problems crunches could very well be the WORST thing you can do to your back.
Rather, you’ve got to stabilize it first. Once the spine is stabilized, then you can add in movement of the arms and legs while stabilizing the spine which is going to be harder. Once you’ve mastered that, then the dynamic movements can happen safely.
What are stabilizing exercises?
A stabilizing exercise is one that doesn’t allow the spine to move. The 3 exercises that work all aspects of the core (front, sides, and back) are the side plank, regular back, and the back extension.
Side plank
Coaching tips:
- Keep hips up and forward
- Elbow under shoulder
- You can do this from your knees if this is too hard
Coaching tips:
- Squeeze your glutes
hard - Don’t let the hips sag
- Heels up, pushing forwards
Back extension
- Work to get the chest and legs as high in the air as possible
The goal with these is to increase the time you can hold with good form since these muscles hold you upright all day, they take some time. However, most people’s form deteriorates after a few intense seconds, so we recommend either holding for a determined number of breaths (5-10) or a short amount of seconds (10 seconds) and doing repetitions.
What are other 3 strong core exercises?
Theses are the exercises where the spine is still stabilized, but you include movement of the arms or legs or both.
Suitcase carry
- Stay vertical-no leaning
- Take smaller steps
- Keep the weight still-no moving
Dead Bug
Keep your hips parallel to ground
Bird dog
Slowly extend the opposite arm and leg
No arching in the back
The goal with these sets is quality movement for time. The first priority is quality movement of the limbs while not moving the spine in any way. As you get stronger you’ll be able to go longer. On the suitcase carry, select a weight that is challenging to hold/grip, but doable.
Doing the exercises will ensure you achieve a functionally strong core that protects your back and keeping you safe and injury-free.
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