Personal training to help you feel young and strong again

near Sandy in Cottonwood Heights

Are you living the lifestyle you want? Or are you watching from the sidelines?

Ask yourself:

  • Are you tired all the time?
  • Do you get winded easily?
  • Aches & pains holding you back?
  • Can’t keep up with grandkids?
  • Angry about limitations?
  • Frustrated with injuries, and illnesses (diabetes, low back pain, arthritis)?

Don’t wait until it’s too late to live life on your terms and life passes you by. Most of what we accept as ‘normal aging’ is preventable and reversible! If you’re ready to start living, we’re ready to get you back in the game!

Helping hundreds with personal training since 2006

Specializations in:

  • Joint replacements post-rehab
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Sport performance conditioning
  • Balance & Fall Prevention
  • Brain health
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Our Personal Training Can Help Improve:


Are you concerned about cognitive diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s? Our personal trainers can pinpoint which areas of your brain that need a particular stimulus.


Not as stable as you’d like? Have you had a fall or near fall recently? We offer the most comprehensive balance and fall prevention tools available.


Afraid that your health and injury history won’t be understood? In our personal training careers we’ve seen just about everything you can have and know how to work around it all.


Strength declines due to aging muscle atrophy (called sarcopenia). While natural, it’s not normal. Good news! It’s preventable & reversible! Our personal training will show you how.



Less aches & pains

Movement is medicine. Often you need to loosen what’s tight, and tighten what’s loose.

Prevent injuries

Custom personal training plans combat overuse injuries in Masters athletes & older adults.

More energy

Exercise strengthens everything; your muscles, heart, lungs, and mind.

Improved balance

Our comprehensive balance personal training program addresses over 10 key factors that affect your balance.

Better performance

Cross training is the secret of every pro’s success. Stay at the top of your game too.

Get stronger

Strength training fixes many ailments facing older adults, from osteoporosis to sarcopenia.

Getting started is easy


Schedule a Discovery call

During your 15-min discovery call we’ll identify your biggest needs, concerns, goals, explain how we can help you, and schedule your longevity blueprint.

Longevity Blueprint Assessment


During this 90-min assessment we review your health and injury history, identify how you are doing in 7 different components making up optimal health and longevity, and create a customized exercise prescription to help you achieve your goals safely and efficiently.

Follow your exercise prescription


You are completely unique. Your exercise prescription will be as unique as you are. As you improve and change so does your prescription.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve found it helps the learning process and facilitates becoming an independent exerciser more quickly by having multiple personal trainers all collaborating on your progress and prescription. Instead of just one great coach, you get a whole team all working for you! This also creates greater scheduling flexibility to meet your needs.

For most senior fitness clients and older adults, the minimum effective dosage recommends training a minimum of twice per week. Optimum frequency is 3x/week. You can train more frequently and that will help you reach your goals faster.

Unfortunately, we don’t accept any insurance. However, with a prescription from your doctor stating your specific need for our services, our fees can be tax deductible, or you can use your flex/HSA account.

Of course prices vary, based on education, experience, value, and the market. Generally speaking if you want a highly qualified professional you will be paying anywhere from $65-150/hr in the Salt Lake valley.

A quality fitness professional/personal trainer should have some higher education in a health sciences field. They should also have a nationally accredited certification that requires continuing education each year-no weekend certifications. The personal trainer should also listen to your needs and wants and adjust the training to fit your goals-not what they like/want to do. They should have good inter-personal skills. 

Remote or hybrid personal training is definitely an option. However, it isn’t for everyone. If you struggle with being consistent with your exercise, don’t know proper form, or haven’t been exercising long hybrid personal training may not be the best fit… initially. 

Of course we’re biased and say ABSOLUTELY! The biggest values of hiring a professional personal trainer are:

  1. Accountability
  2. Form correction
  3. helping avoid injuries
  4. Prevent boredom and plateaus in your results.

The best answer is it depends! Everyone is different. 

Will you see results? Guaranteed! 

While everyone is a little different our clients usually start seeing results in 6-12 weeks. At about 6-12 months you’ll see significant improvements.


From the ‘Longevity Lab’ in Cottonwood Heights

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