Senior Balance Exercises

and Fall Prevention

in Salt Lake City

Senior Fitness Balance and Fall Prevention

We take balance and falling very seriously and are on a mission to help our senior fitness clients prevent falling and fall-related injuries.
  • According to a report published by the CDC in 2016, nearly one in three adults over 65 falls each year.1
  • Of those who did fall, 37.5% needed medical treatment.
  • Falls are the leading cause of injury in ages 65 and older.
  • Death from falling is increasing! Unintentional injuries are the 7th leading cause of death, falls making up the majority of those injuries.
  • The CDC also reported that death from falls increased 31% from 2007 to 2016.2

Should I get a balance and fall prevention assessment?

You should frequently test your balance and risk of falls because your balance changes day to day, and throughout the day. 

You should schedule a balance and fall risk assessment if you:

  • Have had a fall in the last 12 months
  • Are afraid of falling
  • Experience dizziness
  • Take more than 2 prescription medications
  • Don’t sleep well
  • Have vision problems (cataracts, etc)
  • Have a diagnosed medical condition

The Leverage Fitness Approach to Balance Exercises

Senior-balanceLeverage Fitness Solutions is home to Salt Lake’s premier balance specialists. We take a scientific approach to improving your balance and decreasing older adult falls.

We believe that one size fits exactly one. In our Utah facility, we assess your current balance status and create a customized program targeting your weakest areas so you can see the biggest improvements.

You won’t find any crazy balance exercises that look like something out of a circus or crazy balance training on something squishy because those are circus acts and gimmicks.

We address your balance by going to the root cause of your balance deficiencies – your cerebellum and vestibular system (inner ear). This is where your balance is controlled and directed.

In our controlled hands-on personal training, we help our senior fitness clients with both their static and dynamic (also called active) balance.

With technology that had its birth in the American Space program, we can predict your likelihood of a fall for up to six months! Using this and a customized balance exercise prescription your balance will improve significantly.

The Zibrio Balance Platform

Many trainers ‘work’ on your balance. But how do you know if it’s really improving?

We’ve acquired technology developed by NASA to accurately test your balance giving you a score from 1-10. It also predicts your risk of falling in the next 12 months.

Armed with this data, our coaches customize a balance prescription to improve your balance, tested and retested. 

Our balance training options

We offer our individualized balance training to our senior fitness clients either through our 1-on-1 training or in our small group exercise class, called Stable, Able, & Strong. This customized approach allows us to work with and around limiting & ongoing health conditions.

Each session is about an hour and will focus on the areas that we’ve identified through your assessment as the areas that need the most work. Common areas that are addressed are:

  • vestibular (inner ear) strengthening
  • strength training
  • core stabilization training
  • Agility
  • Mobility/flexibility

You can expect to see improvements in your balance each session, even if they are small. It does take time, usually 8-16 weeks, to see a consistent upward shift in your balance that is noticeable. 

The Bigger Fall Prevention Picture

Only working on your balance is not enough to prevent a fall. Balance is just one small part of a comprehensive fall prevention program. If you only worked on balance to prevent a fall, you would be unsuccessful. You mustfalling-prevention-start incorporate agility, footwork, awareness, split-attention drills, and more to ensure you don’t fall.

We are the first personal training facility in the world to create the most comprehensive falling course. We teach our older adults not only how to prevent a fall, but also how to fall and not get hurt, as well as how to recover from a fall. All within a safe environment taking into consideration any concerns (like arthritis) you may have.

Our comprehensive fall prevention course runs for six weeks and combines classroom learning to increase awareness, as well as hands-on training, so you know what to do and how to do it. Participants are also armed with home exercises to supplement what they do in classes. Our Banish the Fear of Falling course is available live as well as on-demand. 

By addressing the prevention, acquisition, and recovery aspects of falling, we are confident you will be able to banish your fear of falling.

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